Who Is the Father of Law in India
Thirdly, we must not be satisfied with pure political democracy. We must realize that our political democracy cannot last if it is not based on social democracy. What does social democracy mean? It means a way of life that recognizes liberty, equality and fraternity as principles of life. In the world, the great man must first be born in the form of the great man, and then he must prove that he is the great man by his personality enriched with virtues and by his great abilities. After such world domination, Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was born in the form of the great man on April 14, 1891 in Mahu in Madhya Pradesh, India. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, also known as Babasaheb, was an Indian nationalist, jurist, Dalit, political leader, activist, philosopher, thinker, anthropologist, historian, orator, profiled writer, economist, scholar, publisher, revolutionary and awakener of Buddhism in India. He was also the chief architect of the Indian Constitution. Born into a poor and untouchable family, Ambedkar spent his entire life fighting social discrimination, the Chaturvarna system – the Hindu categorization of human society into four varnas – and the Indian caste system.
The active life of the great man Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, his glorious personality and great abilities are worth writing with the golden letters in the useful history of the nation of India of the whole world and universal humanity. Childhood and youth of B.R. Ambedkar Dr. Ambedkar`s ancestral village is Ambavade, which is located in the Rathagiri district of the state of Maharashtra and is about 5 miles from Madhavgarh, a small village. Bhimrao Ambedkar was born on April 14, 1891 in the village of Mahu in a Mahar caste considered untouchable. His father`s name was Ramji Sakpal and he was married to Bhimabai who came from the Murbadkar family. Ramji Sakpal had 14 children, of whom Bhmrao was the 14th Bhimrao began to experience the pains of untouchability from childhood. Bhimrao`s father worked in a remote village called Gorgaon.
One summer, with his brother and cousin, he travels to Gorgaon to meet his father. They had written a letter to his father, but his father had not received it in time, so he did not come to the station to receive his children. The boys, faced with the difficulty of transport, asked the stationmaster for help who, after persuasion, was able to rent an oxcart for these children. No sooner had the cart walked a few yards than the wagon man learned that the well-dressed children sitting in his car were untouchable, and in a fit of rage he threw them into the street as the garbage cans were overturned; for he felt that his oxen had been contaminated by the contact of the untouchables. But the boys appeased the chariot man`s anger by paying double the fare, and Bhim`s older brother drove the chariot that followed the chariot to Gorgaon was the first brutal shock to Bhim`s budding spirit. After a few days, Bhimrao had another bitter experience. One day, he was very thirsty and drank water from a public stream. Savarns saw this and felt that this child had contaminated their drinking water, and they beat Bhimrao black and blue. However, not all Brahmins are created equal. There are exceptions.
There was a Brahmin teacher in his high school. He loved Bhimrao very much. He dropped parts of his meals into Bhim`s hands every day during his break. This professor left a lasting impression on Bhim`s life. The original surname of Bhim`s father was Sakpal. But Bhim`s village was Ambavade, hence his surname was written as Ambavadekar in his school. But the last name of the professor who loved Bhimrao was Ambedkar. The professor loved Bhim so much that he changed Pumige`s surname from Ambavadekar to Ambedkar.
And in the manual, he noted it accordingly. Bhimrao very graciously adopted this new surname given to him by his beloved teacher. And for the rest of his life, he lived with that surname. Dr. Ambedkar always remembered this teacher throughout his life. B.R. Ambedkar`s Education Dr. Ambedkar was the most ambitious leader, pursuing the goal, voluntary, determined, discreet, courageous, hardworking, hardworking, thoughtful, self-confident, expert in work, conscientious, dedicated recipient of the highest degrees, diverse and competent, good user of knowledge for the well-being of people.